SMRU Consulting provides robust, environmentally sound science and research services to the Oil & Gas industry. We recognize the need to characterize uncertainty associated with Oil & Gas activities from E&P through to decommissioning. Our scientists are able to carry out marine mammal risk assessments using the latest acoustic response data. We are also able to devise bespoke research projects to answer questions posed through the consenting process regarding potential impacts on marine mammals, from the individual up to population scales.

 Examples of our projects to date include:

  • Gulf of Mexico Risk Assessment Framework (Phase 1 and 2): We worked with Southall Environmental Associates, Inc., Marine Acoustics, Inc., and Loggerhead Instruments to develop an analytical framework for assessing the potential effects of noise from seismic airgun surveys on marine mammals in the Gulf of Mexico (GOMEX). The objective of the EWG was to develop an explicit analytical framework that incorporated conventional analytical methods with novel approaches to assess potential acute effects of anthropogenic sound sources on marine mammals.

  • Low visibility technology review: We investigated which low visibility technologies or combinations of technologies can best meet the requirements for mitigation monitoring of marine mammal and other species during industrial seismic surveys (and other E&P activities).

  • Autonomous monitoring and mitigation technology review: We reviewed systems for real-time monitoring for timely decision making during operational environmental risk management and permit compliance. This included Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) (e.g. powered aircraft, gliders etc.) and Autonomous Underwater and Surface Vehicles (AUV/ASV) such as powered underwater or surface craft, wave or wind powered vehicles and drifting sensor packages.

  • AVADECAF: We worked with experts from CREEM and SMRU to review and assess the viability and value of the use of PAM for determining marine mammal density over the life cycle of offshore field developments. This covered existing and developing PAM systems and the current state of biological knowledge required for implementing DECAF (Density Estimation for Cetaceans from passive Acoustic Fixed sensors) methodology will lead to recommendations on how to best set up a comparative field study and will reveal knowledge gaps and areas for further development and research.

  • Tuck Inlet Passive Acoustic Monitoring: We conducted PAM surveys for harbour porpoise and humpback whales during LNG geophysical surveys in Tuck Inlet, British Columbia. In addition we trained Golder MMOs in PAM survey design, Decimus deployment and monitoring, and in the use of PAMGuard software for the analysis of PAM detections.

For more information on our experience in this sector, please see our blog and publications.